How Indented SERP Results Can Benefit Your SEO Strategy?

January 18, 2022 How Indented SERP Results Can Benefit Your SEO Strategy? By Gaurav Madan

The digital platform is one of the most preferred modes of marketing for every business due to its wide reach and easy accessibility. A search engine is one of the most commonly used mediums that companies use to promote their websites and products by ranking higher than their competitors on the search engine results page (SERP). Like every other digital platform, the search engine algorithms change regularly.

The latest update in the Google search engine where a new display format for search results is used has drawn its idea from the pre-existing expanded site link format which is now in an indented form. Now, when a user searches for something on Google, the best blog page that consists of relevant information appears at the top. And the related topics from other blogs but by the same domain appear below it in indented form. 

In this article, we will be looking at how intended SERP can affect SEO rankings and how one can modify their pages to get intended SERPs for their websites.  

What is the Meaning of Indented SERP Results?

Google recently launched a new feature that has been adopted in around 40 percent of their search engine result pages (SERPs) in the form of indented search results. Indented SERPs are a way of clustering more than one page from a single domain under another in an indented format in the search results.

Indented SERP

If the user is looking for something and there is a particular domain, Google will provide that page link at the top of the SERP along with other related pages from the same domain exactly below it for reference. This solves all the major SEO ranking related problems as you have to only put the right keywords for the search engine to recognize your content, then the other pages of the website will automatically get ranked along with the main one as indented links. This latest change in search result display format has opened up new possibilities for top SEO experts and consultancies like any digital marketing agency in New York.

Why Should Digital Marketers Care About New Search Results Design?

Google indented SERPs look a lot similar to the already existing expanded site link format where related links or pages get attached to the main page for a particular domain. Indented SERPs is an upgraded and modernized version that helps in providing a better view of the content inside the indented pages. Some of the key benefits of these types of layouts are as follows.

  • Competitive brands get more visual exposure as they appear on the first page of the SERP. Brands that already have a good SEO ranking will benefit a lot as all their pages will get indented along with the main page at the top of the search results. This will push down all the competitors and a large part of the users will get directed towards that brand page thus increasing the site traffic. 
  • A lot of different links can provide a chance for the company to attract them to other pages that can drive sales or improve website traffic. For eg: A cosmetics company can have blogs telling them about the importance of organic herbal products that they sell. Then immediately below it will be a link redirecting user to a page where they can buy organic herbal cosmetic products. 
  • Not all pages have to be top-ranked, if one page is ranked at the top of the search results list then the other pages will be automatically attached with it in the form of indented SERPs.

How Does Indented SERP Results Impact SEO? 

Google’s latest indented SERP feature is something that has its pros and cons. SEO experts are trying to explore ways to get the most out of this feature. It has been noticed that a large part of the sites that are present in the first search results page are coming in indented format. This is good news for websites that already have a high ranking as all their pages will now be visible to the public. The lower-ranked domains will be pushed further down into the next search engine results page. 

This way of displaying results in an indented form ensures that the user gets the best content every single time without going through the next pages. There will be more uniformity in the results that are provided as the search results on the top will be among the finest. 

This indented SERP is a problem for pages with lower SEO ranks as they will be pushed further down. The only way to improve their position is by creating rich content with properly placed keywords and links. Making a place on the first page of Google search results is now more difficult for less popular sites. The space on the first page remains the same but due to indentations, lesser domains are now visible. 

How to Get Your Webpage as Indented SERPs?

As it can be understood, indented search results have a good potential in increasing your brand visibility and website traffic. In simple terms, if you have two pages under the same domain and one of them has an SEO rank of 1 and another has the SEO rank of 25, then under the indented SERP scheme, the 20th page will appear as an indented link just under the 1st ranked webpage. This is something that every business is trying to do with their website with the help of SEO company in Phoenix. The following points will help you in doing the same with your domain, 

  •     Regular contents – Regular blog generation is very important for your website to gain traction. Having a lot of meaningful quality blogs from the same domain increases the chance for your domain to appear on the search results page in indented form. Generating one blog per week is the least that your page should do and the blogs should have useful content too, so that they can attract visitors organically. Having blogs that are interrelated or on similar topics provides a higher chance of getting a better SEO rank.
  •     Use links properly – Using backlinks is the best way of making the search engine understand how one blog is related to another. Also, it is important to note that, the more the number of external backlinks, the better is the SEO rank. If a third-party website is referring to your blog, then search engines like Google assume your content to be superior to others which inevitably results in a higher rank and gives it a good chance of appearing as indented search results. 
  •     Keyword clustering – Proper use of keywords is very essential to create quality content that aims at the interested readers. To appear as indented search results, you don’t have to rank first in the search results list but you have to make the search engine algorithm understand the importance of the content using the keywords. The keywords can be incorporated in several places organically, like the title, the meta tags, and even in the URL of the page. Web crawlers scan each blog and observe these keywords in order to understand if it is better suited for a user than other blogs or not. 
  •     Increase traffic on your website – There is no point in posting a blog if people don’t read it. Making sure that people come on to your page and stay, is very important for a good SEO ranking. The user experience also matters a lot in order to increase the customer retention rate. If you have a website that sells a product, then the purchase experience and quality of the product help in encouraging a customer to make more purchases. Making people aware of your presence should also be done using different means other than the SERP. Using social media channels and email marketing processes to target potential audiences is an effective way of generating on-site traffic. 
  •     Carry out thorough research for content generation – Keyword research is a very important step for content generation. First, you should have an understanding of the kind of audience that you want to attract to your page. Then there are online tools that help in surveying the set of keywords that your target audience commonly uses. Also, try to understand what kind of content they are looking for and upload blogs that are interesting, and informative at the same time. 


Intended SERPs have been introduced both, as a blessing and curse for blogging domains. Domains that were already search engine optimized will be enjoying a higher position in the search engine results page as they push other poorly optimized sites down the list. Indented SERP feature from Google however allows them to provide even better and accurate results to the user’s search request. 

Here we discussed a number of factors like how this indented format will affect SEO strategies and what steps to follow to get ranked on the first page and benefit from the indentations. We, the Autus Digital Agency are an expert SEO company Los Angeles. For more information on SERP benefits for SEO strategy, contact us at 929-357-3255.

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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