How To Customize A Website Using WordPress?

December 24, 2021 How To Customize A Website Using WordPress? By Gaurav Madan

WordPress websites are abundant on the internet. 8 out of 10 developers probably use WordPress for website development. One of the most popular and user-friendly CMS, WordPress comes with some really interesting and customizable features, which makes website development fun. It is quite obvious that you would want your WordPress website to look different from the many others on the web. And for that, you have to resort to some kind of customization. 

In this article, we will discuss the various ways by which we can customize our WordPress websites. With the customization, you will have a beautiful and branded website.

  • Creating a Custom Homepage Is Important

For customizing WordPress websites, you must create a custom homepage. And for designing such a homepage, you can use Elementor. Elementor is a page builder plugin, with which you can create and develop custom pages. It is also possible to convert PSD to Elementor and get your favorite design in use for the homepage. 

To install Elementor on the website you will either find it in the Plugins menu or you will have to download it from There are different widgets that are available, which can be dragged and dropped in the area where page content will be put. For customizing the page, you have to add the widgets to your page content. There are innumerable customizable options along with many pre-built homepages. You will just need to change the text and images and you will be good to go. 

  • Picking Up A New Theme

If you want to bring a quick but drastic change to your website, there is no better alternative than to choose a new theme. When you change WordPress themes, almost everything about the design of the website changes. In WordPress itself, there are more than 10,000 themes from which you can choose. Take your time and browse through the different themes before you finalize one for your website. Some of the free themes also come with a ‘preview’ option so that you can check how your website looks with the theme. 

  • Writing a Custom Excerpt For Every Post

It is astonishing that not many people use the excellent feature of writing custom excerpts in WordPress for their posts. The excerpt box can be seen in the right sidebar of the editor. If you are using a well-coded theme, the written excerpt will show in the archives and on the main blog page. Custom excerpts from posts help in a few ways. Generally, the theme uses the first 25 words. Make sure that you write an enticing teaser as an excerpt so that the whole thing is taken. With custom excerpts, they can be made to fit into the design too. Not only this, with custom excerpts your website will rank better in search engine results and social media findings. 

  • Work On The Fonts On The Website

Did you have an idea that the character of your website is decided to a great extent by the fonts that are used? An excellently done website can lose all its impact if you choose the wrong fonts. For best fonts, install the plugin ‘Google Fonts Typography’. You will have complete access to the Google Fonts library and then choose fonts that are most suitable for your website. These fonts work on almost all the themes in WordPress and otherwise. 

  • Consistent Featured Images Are A Must

It is quite obvious that you use featured images in your WordPress website. Adding a featured image on WordPress is a cakewalk. It is true that with featured images, your post or webpage will get more views and clicks, thus attracting the eyeballs of more subscribers or readers. For WordPress users, it is recommended that they ensure that while choosing featured images, a consistent look is maintained. There are various sources from where you will get professional and copyright-free images. You can also add a title to your images if you wish. 

  • Make Sure That You Add All Your Social Icons OnThe Website

WordPress customization is not only simple but also important, taking into consideration the great impact that social media has on any business. If you want more followers and visitors to your website, you have to use the social media icons well on your website. It is interesting to note that most of the themes nowadays come with built-in social media icons. When a visitor clicks on any icon, he will be taken to your social media profile on that platform. There are different social media platforms and you can increase followers and viewers in all places. Along with adding social icons on the website’s footer or header, it is also important to add social sharing buttons too. 

  • Creating a Landing Page Will Help

The design of the landing page is an important thing to consider since this is the page on which your visitors will land. The main web traffic will come to the landing page and from here, they will be successfully channelized into customers or subscribers. You can convert Photoshop to WordPress for the landing page design. However, for creating a custom landing page, you can use the Elementor plugin. If you are driving good traffic to your website, then you could put up some kind of an offer on the landing page and attract visitors to go there. 

  • Make Sure To Customize The Colors On The Website 

When you are looking forward to branding your website, you definitely have to think about customizing the colors on your website too. You will get a consistent visual effect if you change the accent color throughout the website. Also, you can use CSS Hero, which is an amazing tool if you do not know how to customize your website with codes or if the theme of the website does not contain custom colors. Any PSD to WordPress developer will know that CSS Hero is a WordPress plugin, which helps in customizing the theme without writing a little bit of CSS on your own. With this plugin in place, you can change the entire background color of the website. Along with background, this plugin can change the color of any element including various design aspects, spacing, fonts, etc. 

  • Customize The 404 Page

You can change the URL or un-publish a particular page on your website. When someone visits the old address, they will end up seeing a 404 screen (which might not be appealing at all). But this is pretty common for a website. At the same time, you will want to rectify the 404 errors or even clean the broken links. So, for that, you can try using the 404page plugin. With the help of this plugin, it is possible to create a customized 404 page for your website. The designing of the plugin is done in a very clever way. With 404page, you can easily publish any regular page with your content and make that your 404 page. Instead of using a custom editor, this is an easier and more flexible way. 

  • Add Category Descriptions

There are regular category headings, which can be seen on almost all websites. Though this seems fine and okay, you can increase some sizzle by adding unique descriptions for each category. When you add a description, you help the visitors in understanding what they will find on the page exactly. Apart from that, this is also a great SEO tool, which will help in the better ranking of your website on search engines. Go to the Categories page and then click on any category for editing it. On the very next page, you will have the option of typing the description in a box. The best thing is that this customization takes just a few minutes to accomplish. Once done, you will see how professional your website looks. Also, work on customizing your footer text to enhance the professionalism of your website.

  • Work On Mastering The HTML Widget

Well, do not be scared that you will need to write a code. Like JavaScript or PHP, HTML is not a programming language. It is actually a ‘markup’. This implies that you can learn HTML quite quickly and hone the basics well. With this knowledge, you will have better control over your website overall. You might know that in WordPress, an HTML widget is already included. With this widget, you can create any layout or content without the addition of any new plugins. However, if you intend to get more technical, there is no other way than to learn to code. 

  • Adding An Author Box Really Helps

Author boxes are great for any website, particularly where regular blogs/articles are posted. You can easily build your brand with these boxes. How? First, visitors to the website will be able to see the name and picture of the author right in front. Secondly, with the name and image, you can add a small bio, including your work areas, interest areas, etc. This enhances relatability and personality at the same time. You can also provide links to other pages. The author box comes at the end of a post or write-up, which means that the visitor has read through the content. This is the perfect time to associate yourself with the visitor via the author box. 

  • Customize The WordPress Admin

Did you know that you can change the color palette of the admin dashboard directly from your profile menu? There are high chances that the color schemes there will not be in complete sync with your brand. If you want to have complete control over your admin interface, you can look for the WP Custom Admin Interface plugin. You will have greater control of the design of the admin interface of your website. Along with changing color palettes, you can reorder or rename the menu items, add new menus, which are completely custom, and hide menus at the same time. 

  • Adding The Logo ToThe Browser Tab

It is obvious that at the top of any website, there will be the company/business logo. But don’t stop there. How would it be if you could add the logo to the browser tab itself? Though this small icon is called ‘favicon’, in the WordPress interface, it is called ‘Site Icon’. And this option is available in Customizer. Inside Customizer, open ‘Site Identity and you’ll get the Site Icon option right at the bottom. You have to upload the logo image from the computer and then hit the ‘Publish’ button. Along with the icon in the browser tab, the icon will also be reused in bookmarks. 

Trying these tested methods will definitely help in customizing your WordPress website without much effort. And the best thing is that you don’t need to be a software professional to handle these jobs. Try the changes and see the results for yourself!

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Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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