Explore the 11 Key Advantages of Digital Marketing

November 23, 2021 Explore the 11 Key Advantages of Digital Marketing By Gaurav Madan

Having an online presence is not just a way to market your company, it is the only way! With more and more consumers embracing technology, you simply cannot afford to neglect digital marketing. There are in fact more benefits of digital marketing that meets the eye and therefore it is time you hopped aboard and make the best of what marketing agencies in NYC can offer you! With no further ado, let us present to you a few of the many benefits of digital marketing and how it can boost your business. 

Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing 

Global Reach

One of the biggest benefits of digital marketing is that it has broken down any kind of geographical barriers that may have once existed. Today, thanks to digital marketing your business can open its door to prospective customers who may be living miles away from where you operate. You can easily market your services to them with just a click of a button and create awareness and reach out to an audience that probably had no chances of knowing about your existence. While we do know that sifting through a global audience and finding the right clientele can sound overwhelming, it can be solved with the next benefit we are about to discuss. 

Niche Targeting

Niche marketing like the name suggests, is reaching out to customers who fit your criteria and are looking for your services. The best way to do so is using digital marketing. When you advertise on any digital platform, you can choose to filter out the audience based on qualities and attributes that match your target audience and thereafter run the ads. For instance, you can filter the location as North America, and thereafter further filter down to women in the age group of 28-45 and then go on to filter them for women who are working! Yes, that is how detailed you can get when targeting your niche audience. And, this is truly one of the most desirable benefits of digital marketing. 


Most digital marketing agency will agree that affordability is the biggest benefit of digital marketing. At the end of the day, it all boils down to money, and all business activities must be affordable and provide great results. With the extensive reach that digital marketing provides, we can safely say that the costs involved are affordable and the results are more often than not great. Truth be told, the return of investment on digital marketing efforts is a lot higher than traditional marketing techniques. This allows start up and small business owners an opportunity to make optimum use of digital marketing without breaking the bank. 

Trackable & Measurable Results

Any company strategy is a sheer waste of time and efforts if you cannot measure performance. Not being able to do so clearly suggests that your company is making efforts in the blind. Needless to say, compiling a strong marketing strategy and implementing it is just part of the battle, tracking your company’s performance, measuring your successes and failures and thereafter taking the necessary steps toward improving your business must be your ultimate goal. With the use of platforms such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics, you can track the performance of your company’s digital marketing campaigns real time! And, that is how you can decide what works best for your company and whether or not you should continue those strategies. 

Improved Conversion Rates

As we already saw, by tracking the performance of your company’s marketing strategies, you can assess where your maximum sales come in from and thereon target the right consumers. This translates to higher conversion rates and facilitates your being able to invest in a consumer base wherein your services are in demand. Traditional marketing poses several challenges such as the inability to find out where your lead got converted from which can lead to your wasting time on the wrong leads. Digital marketing on the contrary allows you to target the right audience and convert a greater number of leads. While this may sound a tad overwhelming to do on your own, a reputable Phoenix digital agency can help you set up your marketing goals and also execute them, so you can reap the many benefits of digital marketing. 

A/B Testing

Contrary to traditional marketing and its narrow reach, digital marketing has more far-reaching benefits. One of the greatest features of digital marketing for your company is the fact that you can test two entirely different ideas on the same campaign. Let us explain this with an example. Let us suppose you are running a digital marketing campaign, but are confused between two creatives of your company’s campaign. You can take benefit of A/B testing and run both the creatives to 50-50 of your company’s target audience and see which performed better! In this manner, you can then finalize the campaign’s creative not by mere guess work but based on real numbers! 


You can send out personalized messages and campaign updates to a fixed audience using niche marketing. This improves your chances of being ready to convert prospective leads into consumers. The best way to reach out to a niche audience is personalization. It is the key to engage your consumers and help them remember your business. Email marketing for instance is one of the best forms of personalized marketing that gives you the freedom to communicate your company’s motto, goals, and services via personalized messages. 

Win Customer Loyalty

Every company’s goal must and should be to win its customers’ loyalty. Consumers are hands down the best marketers for your brand. A great way to retain the loyalty of your consumer base is to send them periodic messages and mailers for sales, coupon codes, and discounts. Digital marketing also allows you to remarket to your consumers specifically with special deals, promotions, and offers. This will ensure that your customers do not shift to your competitor in your absence!

Higher Engagement

Customer engagement is key to the success of your company. Thanks to digital marketing, you can post interactive content, engage with your customers and answer their queries. Customers love it when their brands listen to them and respond to them! Today’s consumers prefer brands that value the voice of their customers. Thus, with the help of marketing and effective social media management, you can communicate with your customers and build a relationship with them while also boosting your reputation. 

Increase social currency

Your business today is gauged by social currency among other things! Social currency in simple terms is the presence your company has on digital platforms or in other words your digital footprint. The more well-known you are online, the more revenues will you make. With everyone today on their handheld devices, shopping on the world wide web, a strong online presence is what will make your company visible to people. With the help of digital marketing, your company can consistently increase social currency and with a strong online presence you are bound to be successful in what you do. 

Rule the roost

Last but not the least, digital marketing can help you survive in today’s rat race. There are literally hundreds and thousands of online businesses that have mushroomed in the recent years. In fact, brick and mortar shops too have begun to establish an online presence for their brand. To be able to have a healthy competition with other companies in your niche, digital marketing is a must. Today, digital marketing is no longer a value add, it is quintessential for survival. 

These are but a few of the major benefits of digital marketing and how it can boost your business. If you need to know more about how digital marketing can transform how your business operates or looking for an SEO company Los Angeleslook no further than Autus Digital. We are a full-service digital agency that caters to the SEO, web development and digital marketing needs of small, medium and large companies. Waste no time, call us today for more information on the many packages that we offer. 

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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